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Saturday, April 9, 2011

The Parallels between Health and Spirituality

The journey to getting your body healthy can be compared to a spiritual journey. When you first commit yourself to becoming healthy, just like when you commit yourself to God, you have to clear out your life of all the junk. It's possibly the hardest part of the journey. You have to let go of those things that tie you down; those things you've been so used to having in your life for so long. You have to accept the fact that they are poison to your body, your mind, and your soul. You have to throw them away with no mercy.

Then, once you've cleared out the junk you must develop a plan of action to make sure that stuff doesn't come creeping back in. Before you become adjusted to not indulging anymore, temptation will be everywhere and will seem irresistible. Those sights, sounds and smells will drive you to the brink of insanity. Sometimes you will need to avoid it altogether in order to stay strong. This might mean not going out with your friends or being ridiculed for your decisions. You may be challenged by people you used to think understood you. One small action such as saying "no thank you" to a doughnut (or any other temptation) will invite spiteful words from "well-meaning" friends and family.

Another step you must take is to learn where to get the things your body or soul needs. In your spiritual journey, you look to the Bible and people of faith, putting out the effort to research the things you need to know. In the same way, during your health journey you must step outside your comfort zones and do the legwork to find out what you should and shouldn't eat; and where you should and shouldn't shop. You need to venture into areas of the grocery store you've never seen. You visit shops and produce stands you've never heard of. In the long run, all that effort pays off and you end up having all kinds of exciting adventures.

Again, a parallel step between the two journeys is to find a mentor. Having someone who has gone through what you're going through and who can advise you as you go is invaluable. In your spiritual walk, you look to someone older and wiser and who has had similar experiences in their journey. In your health journey, it simply needs to be someone who has been at it longer than you have. It also helps if they live in your area and can tell you where to find good food products. This step is one of the most important. When you feel lost or stuck, this person can often point you in the right direction and give you a gentle shove towards it.

Another very important step is exercise. For your body, you simply get your heart rate up for at least 30 minutes, 3-5 times a week. As you progress, however, exercise becomes longer and more intense. In the same way, as you grow spiritually, you accept more responsibility for yourself as well as for others. Just as you push your body in order to see good changes, you push your mind to read more every day and study and become grounded. Pushing yourself is hard and challenging and others may think you're crazy for it, but you know the changes that are happening inside so it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks.

Whatever journey you're on now, be it physical, spiritual, or both, make sure that you are taking the steps to progress. It may seem daunting and impossible and you may be receiving criticism from people around you, but you will see results from pushing on. Do your research, find an accountability partner, and never give up. You're not missing out on anything by saying "no" to temptation. In fact, you're becoming a better person for it and eventually the people who are trying to tear you down will see the difference in you and want to know your secret. Don't hesitate to share it with them, even if they're the ones that made you miserable when you first made the changes. The amount of growth you will experience is worth every moment.

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  1. Hi Michelle, It's lovely to have found you. I here you on the spiritual/fitness parallels. I often get quite enthusiastic about both, but then start of falter after the 30minutes, 3-5 times a week point. For both! Feels like life takes over, but really, I just stop prioritising my own growth. Gotta stop doing that! Angela

  2. Thank you for commenting! It's very easy to forget about our own growth needs when we feel pressure from our daily lives. I usually find that when I'm winding down in the evening is a great time to focus on my spiritual growth, and morning or afternoon is a good time for fitness! :)
